Happy Friday! Let's head to Hot Springs and escape the problems of the world. Yes, it might seem like the world is coming apart at the seams, but the horses are still runnin' and the action is still plentiful. And what better place to cash some tickets than at Oaklawn Park? This blogger can't think of one on this fine Friday. Today's card includes 9 races, a competitive field and a first post at 11:00 AM Pacific. The springs may be hot, but the weather is anything but. Temperatures will be around 40 with cloudy skies and we're starting the day off with a muddy track.
Need help pickin' winners? We've got you covered! Our #LundinLine top picks and best bets are below in this post. We use them to help narrow down the field while we're puttin' our tickets together. Think of our Lundin Line as another tool in your horse-picking tool belt. And our picks are FREE, as always, so hit up @TSDaveW and let him know what you think. First post will be here before you know it, so don't be late! You know what to do. Saddle up and ride with us. We're gettin' #InTheMoney!
Oh, and don't forget to follow us @_TurtleSports and subscribe to our site so you don't miss any of the action. You'll be glad you did! Let's Ride!

Oaklawn Park // 25-February
Lundin Line
11:00 Pacific
R1: 2* - 4 - 7
R2: 9 - 1 - 8
R3: 2 - 3 - 1
R4: 4 - 7 - 3
R5: 8 - 11 - 1
R6: 5 - 2 - 8
R7: 7 - 1 - 9
R8: 3 - 2 - 6
R9: 6* - 10 - 9
*Best Bet
R1: [2] Hightailing
R9: [6] Mrs. Beans
Capper's Corner
Our very own @TSDaveW took a look at today's field, ran the numbers, dotted it T's and crossed his I's and, in the end, realized his understanding of the alphabet needs improvement. But then after that, decided that there really wasn't any standout horses on today's card that deserve the title of Best Value Horse. So unfortunately there will not be a #BVH for today's races at Oaklawn Park. In any event, Best of Luck to all!

Hit us up @_TurtleSports and let us know what you think!
/ As always, please forgive any typos and grammatical errors