On Deck: today's card at Belmont Park! More ponies = more money! Our #LundinLine for today's card is below along with our best bets. The card features a couple of big races worth mentioning: Race 8 Noble Damsel (GIIIT) and Race 9 Vosburgh Stakes. Also worth noting is Race 5 is a money back special for those playin' on TVG (make sure you opt in).
Let's saddle up and get #InTheMoney!

Belmont Park // 26-September
Lundin Line
R1: 4-3-2-6 R2: 4-8-3 R3: 1-6-2-5 R4: 1-4-2-7 R5: 3-10-7 R6: 9-7-6-4 R7: 7-9-10-2
R8*: 4-2-7-1
R9*: 6-2-1
R10: 11-3
Lundin Line Best Bets
R1: [4] Heavy Roller
R3: [1] Jouster
R8: [4] Blowout (GB)
R9: [6] Engage

Hit us up @TTSportsLines and let us know what you think!
/ As always, please forgive any typos and grammatical errors